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  • working

    Interesting webinar for EURAXESS Service Centres

    On Wednesday the 6th of March 2024, EURAXESS Service Centres are invited to join the webinar ‘Orientation and Self Assessment of Researchers – Advanced Seminar for EURAXESS staff’.  The webinar is both for experienced staff and newcomers. The goal is to explore tools and materials available on the...
  • IamExpat

    IamExpat Fair Amsterdam 2018

    JOIN THE EXPAT EVENT OF 2018   The sixth edition of the IamExpat Fair will take place at the Westergasfabriek on Saturday April 7, 2018. At the IamExpat Fair Amsterdam 2018 you can: – Find all the services and businesses you need in a single location. – Learn how to navigate life in the...
  • Overview of people

    Group Study Visit in Italy for Service Centres

    We would like to invite you to the Group Study Visit on 29-30 April 2024. It will focus on how to support researchers from A to Z.  You will visit the Università degli Studi di Camerino and dive into UNICAM Practices & Services. With the guidance of tutors, you will get an inside look at: UNICAM...
  • Passport

    Georgië visumvrij bij kort verblijf

    Vanaf 28 maart hebben personen met de nationaliteit van Georgië geen visum meer nodig voor een kort verblijf (max. 90 dagen) in Nederland en het Schengengebied. Zij moeten hiervoor wel in het bezit zijn van een biometrisch paspoort.    
  • group_of_people

    Geen werkvergunning meer nodig voor vrijwilligerswerk

    Internationale studenten of wetenschappers van buiten de Europese Unie die in ons land vrijwilligerswerk willen doen, hebben daar geen werkvergunning (TWV) meer voor nodig. De zogenaamde Vrijwilligersverklaring is voortaan voldoende. De Vrijwilligersverklaring is gericht op asielzoekers, maar is...
  • Waaier met geld

    Financial support to host internships for refugee researchers

    The ERA Talent Team is pleased to announce that the EURAXESS Internship Program for refugee and displaced researchers in Europe is open! This means that financial support is offered to companies, NGO’s and refugee researchers for hosting internships for refugee researchers. Job offers have to be...
  • Railway station sign in Katowice

    EU Talent Fair part of EuroScience Open Forum

    In June 2024, we think Katowice Poland is a very interesting place to visit. EURAXESS Biennial Conference and ESOF From 10-12 June there is the EURAXESS Biennial Conference, where we will celebrate 20 years of EURAXESS. We look forward to meeting everyone in Poland! Did you not register? Some...
  • working

    EC Pilot for European fellowship scheme for researchers at risk

    This action will pilot a European Fellowship Scheme to support Researchers at Risk by establishing, testing and validating procedures for the selection of researchers (assessing their risk and awarding them the fellowship) and for matching researchers with host institutions in the EU. The action...