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Living in EuropeDay care, schooling & family related issuesNetherlands


When bringing your partner/family along there are several issues that you might come across. On this page your can read more about it.

Immigration procedures

The nationality of your partner/children decide which procedures apply to them. However, when one of you has an EU nationality, different rules apply. Under entry conditions and visas you can read up on the relevant procedures.

Family and work

Labourmarket position partner

Partners that come along with you generally have the same access rights to the labourmarket as you have. Sometimes the employer or host institution can help or provide suggestions on how the partner could find a job.

Dual careers

Dual career services (services that assist partners of researchers with finding a job)  are becoming more established in most Dutch Universities and Research institutions. Ask your Euraxess Centre or HR department for avaible services and programmes.  

Part-time jobs

The Netherlands holds a high percentage of part-time workers. Many Dutch parents choose to combine the household tasks and the workload by reducing their working hours. Employers are generally quite open to discuss a reduction in working hours. 

Children and medical facilities

The medical facilities related to pregnancy and maternity are organized in a typical Dutch way. Childcare facilities are rather expensive, but people with a lower and middle income can generally apply for childcare allowance. The education system provides your children with several options that you might want to read up on.

Childcare facilities

In the Netherlands there are three main types of organised childcare facilities:

  • Kinderdagverblijf: This Dutch version is a cross between day care and nursery school. Children up to age 4 are eligible. Cost: Prices vary between several hundred euros or over a thousand euros (without the contribution of the government). Most daycare centres give a discount for the second child (and third...).
  • Gastouder (Host Parent): Here, a host parent who has children of her own cares for a small group of children in her house. Be aware: Sending your child to a gastouder may also qualify for government contributions, if it meets certain requirements. Cost: Prices differ but €6,- per hour per child is quite common.
  • Buitenschoolse / Naschoolse Opvang - BSO (After School Hours Care): These organizations take care of children in the age from 4-12 after school hours and during holidays. Your child's school can help you locate local ones. Cost: Prices differ but €650,- per month per child is normal.

For the childcare facilities above generally you can apply for a childcare allowance - a contribution of the government towards the cost of childcare facilities.

Be aware that you are not eligible for childcare allowance if you do not have an employment contract.

Other childcare facilities options are:

  • Peuterspeelzalen: There are toddler groups ages 2 – 4 and are open in the mornings. Usually, they are connected to a primary school and allow an easy transition from the speelzaal to the school. 
  • Oppas (Baby-Sitter): On evenings and weekends high school or university students from your neighborhood are common candidates to baby-sit your child. There are also apps that can help you find a screened babysitter in your area. 
  • Au Pair: Almost all au pairs are found with the help of an au pair organization, of which there are quite a few in the Netherlands. Cost: You must provide the au pair with food and shelter, but read more on the rules of hiring an Au Pair on Expatica.
  • Flexibel daycare: facilities that are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, available in large cities; Project: an arrangement where a certified kindergarten / nursery school teacher comes to your (or someone else’s) house; and arrangements with International Women’s Clubs (such as Moms and Tots groups, and others). Ask your employer's HR staff if you need help finding information about the possibility of these options in your town.
  • Read more on Expatica about the Dutch childcare system

Schools & Education

International or Dutch school?

For your school-aged children, your search for a school will start with the choice of an international or a regular Dutch school, each with its own advantages. If you are planning to stay abroad for a short period, or if you will move on to another foreign country after your stay in the Netherlands, an international school might provide your child with continuity. But if you would like your child to mix in with the local culture, you might prefer a Dutch (public) school. Compulsory schooling in the Netherlands (leerplicht) applies to all children aged 5 to16 and is stricktly enforced.  

There are several websites which give an overview of international schools in the Netherlands, two of which are:

Dutch Edution System

In the Netherlands children have the obligation to go to school when they are 5 years old. They first go to a Primary School (group 1-8) and then they will continue their education on a school for Secondary Education.

Primary School

In the Netherlands, children between 4 and 12 years old go to primary schools. The vast majority of these schools are entirely funded by the government and parents are only asked for contributions for extra activities.

There are basically four types of primary schools: Denominational schools, Public schools, Schools based on teaching and/or learning philosophies and Special schools. Read more on the website of the Dutch Government

Secundary Education

The Dutch systems knows three main types of secondary education: vocational education, senior general secondary education and pre-university education. 

  • Vocational education consists of a 4-year preparatory phase (VMBO) which can be followed by a 4-year phase of more in-depth vocational training (MBO).
  • Senior general secondary education (HAVO) which lasts 5 years and is intended as a preparation for studying at a university of professional education (comparable to a polytechnic college).
  • Pre-university education (VWO) which takes 6 years to complete and prepares the student to enter university education.

For more information on the Dutch education system:

Tertiary Education

When your children reach the age to commence tertiary education, studying in Holland might be a good option. For all information around this topic you can visit the Study in Holland website.  

Financing your (childrens') tertiary education

There are several scholarships for studying in the Netherlands, these scholarships are mostly linked to your study programme. To find out more about scholarships and financing your studies in the Netherlands in general visit the Study in Holland webpage on finance. You can check your eligibility for student grants and loans following this link: