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  • IDEAL Programme PhD promotion banner

    Six PhD Scholarschips in Nanoscience available in Spain

    The second call for applications is open for IDEAL PhD, a doctoral fellowship programme led by IMDEA Nanciencia in Madrid. In this second call, six talented predoctoral researchers are motivated to undertake a PhD research project in any of the programmes at the Institute: Nanotechnology for...
  • Swedish flag

    Report on how to support junior researchers

    Our colleagues from EURAXESS Sweden have carried out an investigation on how to support international junior researchers. Specifically during their time at a university for a possible career outside academia. The investigation has resulted in a report, also available in English. Report can be used...
  • christophe

    Regelgeving stages internationale studenten verruimd

    Internationale studenten kunnen in het kader van hun studie in Nederland nu ook een stage lopen als dit geen verplicht onderdeel is van het curriculum. Hierdoor kunnen meer buitenlandse studenten een stage doen. Dat kan de kansen op het vinden van een passende baan vergroten.   Tot nu toe was...
  • Passport

    Oekraïne visumvrij bij kort verblijf

    Vanaf 11 juni 2017 hebben personen met de nationaliteit van Oekraïne geen visum meer nodig voor een kort verblijf (max. 90 dagen) in Nederland en het Schengengebied. Zij moeten hiervoor wel in het bezit zijn van een biometrisch paspoort.
  • Woman searching for other persons on a map

    Needed: 5 Pakistani researchers based in EU

    The European Research Institute Foundation (ERI) is looking to hire 5 Pakistani researchers based in the EU for the SAFER-project. The main requirements: The researchers are fluent in Punjabi, Sindi and Balochi; The researchers came to Europe through regular migration channels and are not former...
  • ERA Talent Programma in visuals

    Launch of the new ERA Talent Platform

    Last week, at the Biennial EURAXESS Conference in Katowice, the new ERA Talent Platform was launched. The platform is a novel solution for researchers and research performing organisations. EURAXESS is part of the ERA Talent Platform, but it contains much more. Such as the HR Excellence in Research...
  • A castle near Trieste, Italy

    Join the online European Job Days on the 4th of October

    Make use of the unique opportunity to get in touch with Research Infrastructures and Industries all over Europe and join the European Job Days EURES Italy! The event is part of the Big Science Business Forum 2024, but there is no need to travel to Italy. The European Job Days will take place online...