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How to connect in the Netherlands

How to connect in the Netherlands

When you are new to a country, it can be difficult to understand the culture, make new friends and find activities to do in your spare time. In the Netherlands, there are several organisations that help you feel comfortable in your new home and connect with others. Some are quite regional, some more nationwide. 

What do these organisations offer?

Of course, they help you with more formal topics like filing taxes, finding a house or learning Dutch. But most organisations also offer a (wide) variety of social events. Like a book club, coffee mornings, monthly lunches, a pub evening, walking club, running club, you name it. If the organisations do not offer these events themselves, they do often have tips on where to find them in your region. So take a look at the list below and connect in the Netherlands!

Find the social events per region

Nationwide networks

Please find below a list of nationwide or international networks. Via the link you will find their social events.