EURAXESS Career Ambassadors
How will your research journey look? And would it be nice to work as a researcher in the Netherlands? Experiences tell more than words. Therefore, we have asked researchers who moved to the Netherlands to share their experiences with you. They talk about their research journey up until now and tell you what they like about working in the Netherlands.
Udipta – PhD candidate at the University of Twente
“One of the things I like most about the Netherlands is the work-life balance.”
Nikita Subedi – Researcher in Life Sciences
“For me, the Netherlands is a place where innovative minds come together and work together with respect for diversity.”
Become a EURAXESS Career Ambassador!
Want to help other researchers in their research journey? We are always looking for stories to share. Sometimes on our website, but also at events for researchers. If you are interested to join our ambassadors network, please contact us via