Welcome to EURAXESS Netherlands!
EURAXESS is a network created at the initiative of the European Commission to disseminate relevant information (scholarships, grants, financing opportunities, career development) to researchers and to support their activities. Thanks to the EURAXESS network and website, you can promote doctoral scholarships, available jobs and partnerships in order to encourage research on European level.
On this portal of EURAXESS Netherlands, you can find information for both researchers and employers related to the Netherlands. Interested in joining the network? Click here for more information.
The Dutch EURAXESS Network is currently composed of 10 EURAXESS Centres, located at universities across the country. They offer professional support to researchers and their families before, during and after a move to the Netherlands.
Information about the Dutch members of the EURAXESS Network can be found on our Dutch Network-page.
10Dutch EURAXESS Centres provide information and assistance to researchers
From March 2023 until 2026, the ERA Talent-project offers funding to expand EURAXESS services. Through ERA Talent, we can develop the ERA TALENT Platform, continue with the Hub Projects and create Communities of Practice.
As EURAXESS Netherlands, we take part in one Hub and several Communities of Practice. Find more information on all:
- EURAXESS Researcher careers beyond academia Hub
- Talent Circulation Hub
- CoP Supporting mobility and Procedures
- CoP Social Integration and dual careers