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  • ISRF logo

    Apply for the ISRF Early Career Fellowship

    The Dutch Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) offers the ISRF Early Career Fellowship. With this fellowship ISRF supports independent-minded researchers to explore and present original research ideas which take new approaches, and suggest new solutions, to real world social problems.What...
  • 40 in 3D, part of the cover of the booklet of 40 years of research and innovation

    2024: celebrating 40 years of EU research and innovation

    2024 has been a special year, where we celebrated 40 years of EU research and innovation. It all started with the launch of the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, worth € 8,3 billion. In the last 40 years, the EU has set aside € 280 billion for science, research and...
  • Puzzle pieces fitting together

    AcademicTransfer offers CV & Research Match

    Searching for exciting vacancies can be time-consuming. The CV and Research Match, a new service from AcademicTransfer, makes it a lot more manageable. It personalizes the job search for you. How does it work?Upload your document (CV, research proposal, statement or abstract) in the matching tool...
  • Agenda open on the 18th

    Call for applications SAFE-project opens on 18 november

    The SAFE-project stands for “Supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe”. It was developed because of the growing need to offer at-risk researchers worldwide the opportunity to continue their work in the EU in a safe environment. Up to 60 fellowships to non-EU at-risk researchers will...
  • Man behind a laptop

    MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024 call is open

    The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges 2024 call is open! The European Commission will allocate € 99,5 million to fund around 90 projects promoting cooperation between organisations in the EU and around the globe in research and innovation. The deadline to submit proposals is 5...
  • Shapes of heads, with a woman meditating in front

    Join the Resilience training programme in October and November

    EURAXESS Switzerland invites you to a webinar series on Risilience. This is a mental resource and inner strength that helps you to be robust in times of crisis and overcome complex challenges. Goals of the webinar seriesAs participant of the webinar series, you will learn what you can personally do...
  • Woman looking through a magnifying glass

    Join the webinar series: Research Careers in Europe

    The Talent Circulation HUB, part of the ERA Talent project, is inviting you to a Research Careers in Europe webinar series. They offer three webinars, designed specifically for (prospective) PhD students and early career researchers.Join the exploration of a variety of national research environments...
  • Outline of the portret of Marie Sklodowska-Curie, in Ukraine colours

    MSCA4Ukraine scheme opened its second call for applications

    On the fifth of August the second call for applications for MSCA4UKRAINE opened. This call is open to Ukrainian nationals, stateless persons and nationals from other countries with their main residence in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, who have been displaced as of that date and who are currently...