You should ask your respective employer at an early stage about the handling of intellectual property, patents, and inventions of your specific research assignment. Where a patent is registered depends on the type of protection desired. If the Dutch market suffices, you can approach the Algemeen Octrooi en Merken Bureau and/or the Octrooicentrum Nederland (formerly known as the Bureau voor Intellectuele Eigendom). Protection at European level can be sought at the European Patent Office while the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) offers international protection of patents. The centres responsible for the transfer of research and technology can usually provide information on liability in connection with your scientific work.
Intellectual Property Organizations
The Netherlands
Location: John F. Kennedylaan 2, 5612 AB Eindhoven
Postal adress: Postbus 645, 5600 AP Eindhoven
Telephone: + 31 (0)40 2433715
E-mail address:
Visit the website of Algemeen Octrooi- en Merkenbureau (AOMB) for more information (Dutch only).
Location: Patentlaan 2, 2288 EE Rijswijk
Postal address: Postbus 5820, 2280 HV Rijswijk
Telephone: +31 (0)70 – 398 66 99
Visitor rules: You can make an appointment for a visit (mail to Without appointment you can drop by on Tuesday from 14.00 – 17.00 (when visiting you are requested to bring your ID-papers).
Visit the website of Octrooicentrum Nederland for more information (Dutch only).
European location: Munich, The Hague, Berlin, Vienna & Brussels
Dutch location: Patentlaan 3, 2288 EE Rijswijk
Postal adress: Postbus 5818, 2280 HV Rijswijk
Telephone: 00 800 80 20 20 20 (visit the EPO website to see whether this free service is available).
Visit the website of the European Patent Office (EPO) for more information.
Location: 34, chemin des Colombettes, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone: +4122 338 91 11
Visit the website of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for more information.
Other relevant organizations and sources of information
View the list of organizations below.
Dutch Group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) is an association endeavours to promote the protection of intellectual property by drawing attention to the need to protect creation and innovation.
Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) is an association of 31 national and regional societies, each composed of men and women who have an interest in the transfer of technology, or licensing of intellectual property rights - from technical know how and patented inventions to software, copyright and trade marks.
Visit the international website of Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) or the Benelux website of Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) for more information.
The Intellectual Property Rights-Guide in seven languages addresses decision makers and has been drafted in co-operation with experts from Patent Offices, patent lawyers and consultants on innovation issues from different European countries.
Read 'Your Guide to IP in Horizon 2020' or 'Your Guide to IP Commercialisation'.
'Why researchers should care about patents' is a consice and informative brochure by the European Commission on patents in R&D projects.
Read the brochure 'Why researchers should care about patents' of the European Commision.
The IPR-Helpdesk Project provides information on the protection of intellectual property rights in general and in connection with projects within the the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).
Visit the website of the IPR-Helpdesk Project Portal for more information.
Specialized Attorney Offices
The 'Algemeen Octrooi en Merken Bureau' employs intellectual property attorneys. Visit their website for more information.