EURAXESS improves the European Research Area by providing information and support to mobile researchers and their families. For a thriving European Research Area, it is vital for talent to be able to switch to other places, sectors, jobs. This is important for the researcher, for the research facilities and for companies who can profit from employing researchers as highly educated staff.
EURAXESS supports the needs of researchers and employers by providing information on vacancies, funding, immigration procedures, social security, family related issues, career support etc. Furthermore, many EURAXESS Centres provide personal support to researchers, to help them with their challenges incurred by there (wish for) mobility.
EURAXESS is embedded within research performing organisations. It is a network created at the initiative of the European Commission to disseminate relevant information (scholarships, grants, financing opportunities) to researchers and to support their activities. You can promote doctoral scholarships, available jobs, partnerships in order to encourage research on European level.
EURAXESS consists of 260 Service centres within 40 countries. These centers offer assistance on visa, work permits, school enrollment applications, social security, medical insurance to researchers and their accompanying family members.
Want to join the network?
Research performing organisations such as universities and research centres can become members. As EURAXESS is focused on international mobility and the improvement of intersectoral mobility, joining can be particularly interesting if you are working on it too.
By joining EURAXESS, you get access to a network of hundreds of colleagues from the participating European countries, you can join (group) study visits funded through EURAXESS, participate in trainings and conferences organised by EURAXESS and there is a possibility to get finance for activities relevant to the goals of EURAXESS.
To join the EURAXESS Network, please contact the National Coordinator Nuffic and sign and send the declaration commitment to Nuffic. When approved by Nuffic, you will be registered as a member and an account will be created for your organisation to access the EURAXESS Extranet. Joining the EURAXESS Network is free of charge.
Contact the Dutch National Coordinator
The National Coordinator for the Netherlands is the organisation Nuffic.
Nuffic serves as the Dutch Bridgehead Organisation of the European EURAXESS Network. EURAXESS expertise: Immigration procedures, health insurance, social security and taxation.
Contact tel.: +31 70 426 0260
Contact e-mail: euraxess@nuffic.nl
Address: Kortenaerkade 11, 2518 AX The Hague
Service Centres in the Netherlands
Feel free to contact a EURAXESS Centre with your questions. The contact information is listed below.
EURAXESS expertise: Departure conditions/formalities, Entry conditions/visas, Work permits
Contact tel.: +31 402474589
Contact e-mail: C.M.d.Rooy@tue.nl
EURAXESS expertise: Immigration procedures, social security and taxation.
Contact tel.: +31 43 388 3081
Contact e-mail: info-kcis@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Immigration Service Desk
EURAXESS expertise: Entry conditions, family dimension, work permits, residence permits, departure conditions
Contact tel.: +31 50 363 8181
Contact e-mail: ISD@rug.nl
HR Information Desk
EURAXESS expertise: Welcome new staff members, taxation, social security, health insurance, pension rights
Contact tel.: +31 50 363 9191
Contact e-mail: Y.Joustra@rug.nl
EURAXESS Expertise: Social security and taxation.
Contact tel.: +31 (0)13-466.2204
Contact e-mail: mobility@uvt.nl
EURAXESS expertise: Banking, Departure conditions/formalities, Entry conditions/visas, Health insurance, Work permit, Rivers International School Arnhem
Contact tel.: +31 317 482609
Contact e-mail: backoffice@wcfv.nl
EURAXESS expertise: accomodation, entry conditions/visas, health insurance, work permit.
Contact tel.: +31 71 527 730071
Contact e-mail: SCIS@leidenuniv.nl
EURAXESS expertise: accommodation, banking, entry conditions/visas, health insurance, medical care, pension rights, taxation/salaries, work permit, and day care, schooling & family related issues.
Contact tel.: +31 015 27 89000
Contact e-mail: HRServices@tudelft.nl
EURAXESS centres only for reseachers of their institutions
For researchers of the following institutions, they can contact their own EURAXESS centres.
Contact tel.: +31 10 4088529
Contact e-mail: welcome@hrf.eur.nl
Contact tel.: +31 20 5982955
Contact e-mail: immigration@vu.nl
Contact tel.: +31 53 489 9111
Contact e-mail: c.p.j.schouten@utwente.nl